5 Best Interview Etiquette Practices

interview etiquette

Crack any interview with these Dos and Don’ts

You’ve found your dream job. You’ve applied for it. And now they’ve called you back for an interview! Congrats, but your work has just begun. Making a great impression during an interview increases your chance of getting a job offer. No matter which industry or sector you appear for an interview, your interview etiquette, or lack of it, will not go unnoticed by employers. You would be surprised how often you are judged by your body language or other personality quirks and interview basics. In this blog, we will discuss some common interview mistakes that should be avoided and 10 best interview etiquette practices that will allow you to walk out of there with a job offer

Do we need etiquettes & rules for interviews as well?

It is very important to ensure that we follow the interview rules as it reflects the standard of professionalism, respect for each other, and also leaves the employer with an impression of whether or not to hire you. While the interview questions focus on your academics, professional experience, and interests, it also gives an interviewer a chance to know you in person, your personality traits such as your behavior, caliber, attitude, expression, and confidence. Hence, it is very important to remember and follow the interview basics and avoid commonly made mistakes during an interview process.

Common interview mistakes

Every person who is lined up for an interview feels their preparation for the interview is the best. However, there are several things you could be doing that are ruining your chances of getting the job and you might not even realize that you’re doing them Below are five common interview mistakes that could be preventing you from getting the job and career you want.

1. Quick replies instead of thoughtful responses:

According to Dr. Stephen R. Covey, a top motivational speaker, most people don’t listen with the intent to understand but with an intent to reply, leaving an impression that you are in a rush to reply and don’t exactly answer the questions that were asked. This is one big mistake made of interview basics that may disinterest the interviewer and can cost you the job.

2. A bad word of mouth:

The interview rule is not to talk badly about your current or past employer. You might have some unpleasant experiences with them. However, when you criticize your employer during an interview, it creates an extremely negative impression. This could be another reason why you’re not moving forward. This may indicate that you might speak ill about the prospective employer too, not to mention it signals you might be a difficult employee to hire.

3. Not being interactive:

Another interview rule is that the conversation ratio between interviewee: interviewer should be 80:20. The more you speak the better evaluation could be done by the interviewer. At the same time, you must ask relevant questions. The questions you ask should focus on your long-term prospects with the new employer, specific responsibilities you would be expected to have if hired, future growth plans of the business, and so on. The idea here is to send a clear message to the interviewer that you’re very interested in the role, company, and industry and not that you merely need a job change.

4. Unnatural body language:

Your body language is among the most important interview basics as it speaks a lot about your personality. The way you sit, hold your hands and face, your posture plays an extremely important role during interviews to make a strong first impression. Leaning back to the chair may imply that you are uncomfortable during the process. Smiling when it is not appropriate or smiling too often could send a message that you are behaving unnaturally. Just behave normally and you will no doubt make a great impression.

5. No disturbance

The last thing someone looks for is a distraction during one of the most important meetings of their life. People can still hear your cell ring in vibrate mode, it is better to switch it off or keep it on silent mode. There is nothing more important than your interview. This could be a life-changing moment for you.

5 best interview etiquette practices

An interview is not a war to be won, yet you need to be well equipped with tools and armor that will help you to sail through the process efficiently. Your skills, personality, and knowledge of interview basics are your tools and armor during an interview. Here is a list of five interview etiquette that should be followed for effective interaction:

1. Be on time:

You must arrive for the interview on time. An interviewer has to conduct many interviews in a day. If you are late that may leave a bad impression and you would have to wait for your turn for a long time.

2. Rehearse & Research

Several questions are guaranteed to be asked during an interview like: “Why do you want to work for this company?” “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” “Where do you see yourself in five years?” So, be prepared with insightful answers for these classics, plus be familiar with other interview questions typically asked in your field, too. Also, an interview requires you to be fully prepared. Ensure you have read the job description carefully. Review the company’s website and Google its key players. Look for the line of businesses the organization is catering to. Try to look for the history, vision, and mission statement of the organization. If asked about the same, you will project the image of someone interested in the job, does their homework, and pays attention to details.

3. Greetings:

When addressing people with their last name, always remember to prefix Mr. or Ms. to the name. Using first or last name instead of sir/mam makes the conversation more personalized and initiates rapport building which is the first pedestal of a great interview. It is all about how you make the other person feel. These small details will make you stand out from other competing candidates for the same position.

4. Mind your body language

Your body language is another interview basics that talks a lot about your personality. Interview blues is a real thing but you will give the impression that you’re confident if you come across a certain way. When it comes to body language, the first thing that’s advisable to do is to make eye contact while listening and speaking. By maintaining eye contact throughout your interview, you’ll convince the person you’re speaking with that you believe in what you’re saying, and consequently, you’ll gain their trust. Also, be careful of how you position your body, as this is the key ingredient to look confident, friendly, and capable. Sitting up straight and leaning slightly forward sends a non-verbal signal that I’m listening intently. I’m interested in what you have to say. I have a lot of energy and I’m ready to go to work.

5. Thanking the interviewer

Whatever be the outcome of the interview, thanking the interviewer to express your gratitude towards the opportunity given to you to showcase your skills and abilities is a good way to leave an impression. This will end the conversation on a good note and even if you are not selected for the job, you might be considered for future opportunities that best fit your skills and abilities

Summing up

Practice makes a man perfect, and knowing the interview rules ahead of time is a great start. Be prepared, be confident, be yourself, and you will shine. Whether you are looking for your first job or you are a seasoned professional or looking for a career switch, it never hurts to brush up on these interview rules. Little sensitivity in your personality or mannerisms aren’t so little, so don’t take them for granted.

Let’s get going

If you follow these tips, you’ll be prepared to talk about your goals and career aspirations. Be calm and confident, just a little preparation time can go a long way. Prepare for the day, check out our job openings, and start your career with us. In case you need more training on the same, please drop us an email at [email protected] and we will be glad to help you prepare for your future interviews.